Thursday 2 April 2020

Coronavirus and diet:

A strong immune system can protect you from any virus infection. Below you are told about the doctor's recommended foods, which can protect you from corona virus infection by strengthening immunity.

The corona virus is spreading its legs very fast. In such a situation, you should take all necessary measures to avoid its infection. These measures are also related to cleanliness and eating habits. In particular, include foods that enhance your immunity. In fact a strong immune system can help protect you from corona virus infection.

To avoid infection with the corona virus, it is recommended to include certain foods in the diet. These foods are rich in anti-viral and immune boosters, which can protect against corona virus infection.

Take foods rich in vitamin D

Consumption of vitamin D can strengthen your immunity, which will reduce the risk of corona virus infection manifold. The main source of vitamin D is considered to be the sun. You get vitamin D supply from the sun only after sunrise. For vitamin D, you can include salmon fish and milk in your diet. Apart from this, you can also consume vitamin D through fortified foods (foods which contain vitamins separately). However many other research on this is still going on.

Use liquorice

Disease resistance can also be strengthened by the consumption of liquorice. Apart from this, the anti-viral properties present in it can help protect you from any type of viral infection. Corona virus infection is also similar to viral infection. Therefore, you can strengthen your immunity by consuming liquorice and avoid getting infected with the corona virus.

Cinnamon will also be beneficial

You can also use cinnamon to protect against the corona virus by strengthening the immune system, as cinnamon has immune regulatory properties. Apart from this, the anti-viral properties present in it can also help protect you from colds and colds. You should use it as a spice while cooking, so that all the properties present in it are easily accessible in your body through food.

Use mushrooms in diet chart

Be sure to include mushrooms in your diet chart to avoid the corona virus. According to experts, shitek mushrooms are packed with beta-glucose. This property has antiviral and immune enhancing properties. For this reason, your immunity will get a boost, as well as it will help you to avoid corona virus and other infections.

Do not consume alcohol

To avoid corona virus, the doctor has also advised that alcohol consumption should be avoided. Actually, the intake of alcohol affects the body's immunity. In such cases, do not consume alcohol to avoid infection.

Friday 27 March 2020

Figs - A Healthy Food

In Hindi it is called Anjeer, while its scientific name is Ficus carica. It is scientifically believed to be a member of the mulberry family. It's fruit is light yellow in color, while it may be dark golden or purple after ripening.

The fig tree has smooth white color and  grows  mainly in dry and sunny places with very deep roots. It can also flourish easily in the hilly region. Its tree height can be up to 9-10 meters. It is believed that a fig tree is around 100 years old. They are found in abundance in the Himalayas and Shivalik areas. People living in Iran, India and Middle-East countries consume it in large quantities.

1. Protein 5.5%
2. Cellulose 7.3%
3. Carbohydrate 63%
4. Lube 1%
5. Mineral Salt 3%
6. Water 20.8%
7. Acid 1.2%
8 Fat 0.5%
9. Cholesterol 0%

Apart from this, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, calcium, Magnus, fiber, phosphorus, iron, chlorine, sodium, potassium and gum are also found in it. Figs are considered very good for health, figs contain more than 28% fiber which controls high glucose and high cholesterol levels, this also controls weight. The darker the fig color, the more beneficial it is.

Types of Figs

There are mainly five types of figs. Different variety has its own taste and sweetness. The different types of figs are as follows:

Black Mission: Its has black or light purple color from outside and pink from inside. This fig is not only sweet to eat, but it also contains juice. It can be used to enhance the taste of cake or food.

Kadota: This fig is green and has a purple pulp. It is the least sweet of all varieties of figs. It can be eaten raw, but it can also be eaten by heating it and adding a little salt over it.

Calimyrna: It is greenish-yellow from outside. Its size is larger than other varieties and its taste is also different.

Brown Turkey: The outer color of this fig is purple and the pulp is red. It tastes lighter and less sweet. It is used to enhance the taste of salad.

Adriatic: Its outer layer is light green and pink inside. Due to its light color, it is also called white fig. It is the sweetest and can be eaten as a fruit.

Benefits and uses of eating figs

Strengthens the digestive system - It is good for the stomach due to the fiber in figs. 3 fig pieces have 5 gm fiber. Which is 20% of our daily needs. Fig relieves all the problems related to digestion.

Lose weight - Due to high fiber, dried figs have very low calories. Eating 1 fig gives you 47 calories which is 0.2 gm fat. So dried figs are very good for those who want to reduce their weight. It is also good in taste which you can easily eat with fun.

Hypertension control - Taking more salt increases the amount of sodium in the body, causing the amount of sodium-potassium in the body to deteriorate and result in hypertension. Fig removes all these problems, corrects the amount of everything in the body. 1 dry fig gives 129gm potassium and only 2gm sodium, which reduces the problem of hypertension.

Protects the heart - Dried figs have high antioxidant levels, which removes toxic substances in the blood, which threatens the heart. Figs completely protect the heart.

Strengthen bones - Figs fulfill 3% of the calcium requirement of the body daily. Figs strengthen bones in the body.

Good for diabetes - Diabetes means figs are a good source of fiber for people with diabetes. It also has a mild sweetness which reduces your extreme desire to eat sweet. Consult your doctor about how much fig to be consumed.

Remove anemia - Due to calcium and iron in figs, drinking it after mixing it in milk cures anemia.

Reduce throat pain - In the pain caused by a sore throat and cold, you should stop taking medicine from today, for this you should eat dried figs or eat it with milk. This will give a lot of relief to the pain of the throat.

Asthma - Asthma patients should consume figs and its leaves. It contains potassium which gives benefit, if you take insulin then it will keep you from it.

Remove infection - The infection of cold can be cured with the help of figs. Boil 3-4 pieces of figs in water and from now on sip and drink in the morning. You will get relief soon due to cold.

You get strength - Those who go to gym or exercise more are instructed to eat nuts. Nuts are specially said to eat figs, it gives all the nutrients to the body.

Take away the problem of piles - In the morning, eat figs on an empty stomach with lukewarm water, you will get rid of this disease.

Remove waist and chill - Eating fig provides relief from pain in the body. Applying a fig skin lap to sir relieves headaches.

Many sweets and ice cream are also made from figs, it is quite famous dry fruits in Indians. But like other nuts, figs are also very expensive, which is not able to be taken by humans. Today I have told these benefits for those who can take it. You can get many health benefits by including it in your diet.

How to Use Figs

  • It is important to wash the figs thoroughly before eating. Then you can either eat it just like that or peel it off.
  • Dry figs are hot, so wash it and soak it in water overnight and consume it on an empty stomach the next morning. You can drink the water in which it was soaked.
  • Dry figs are easy to take with you anywhere. So, if you are going on a trip, you can take the figs with you. One does not feel hungry due to its consumption and the other one remains energy.
  • You can also eat it by adding it to sandwiches or salads. This will not only increase the taste of sandwiches and salads, but will also give you the necessary nutrients.
  • You can also eat fresh fig fruit by garnishing it on top of cake or ice cream.
  • You can also eat figs by mixing them in your food. Mixing it will not spoil the taste of the food at all, but will increase it.
  • Dry figs contain more sugar than fresh ones. Therefore, if you make a sweet dish at home, you can use it instead of sugar. This will not only increase the taste of the sweet dish, but it will also provide the necessary nutrients by eating it.
  • Figs are used in baking. Figs can be used while making cakes, puddings and jams etc.
  • Dry figs can also be used when making muesli bars and porridge.
  • You can also add dry figs to the soup. Also, it can also be used to enhance the taste while making meats. Fig paste can be used instead of sugar at various places.
 Side Effects of Figs

It is well known that figs are hot. Therefore, eating figs in excess of the prescribed quantity can also cause harm, which is as follows:

  1. Eating two to three dry figs daily is sufficient. It should be soaked in water overnight and eaten the next morning. If the fig is eaten without soaking or more than is necessary, the body may get heat and blood may come from the nose.
  2. Figs are high in fiber, so eating too much can cause diarrhea.
  3. Eating more figs can cause pain in the intestines and stomach.
  4. Figs work as a kind of natural sugar. If eaten too much, the teeth can rot. Diabetes patients should also ask the doctor once before eating it.
  5. Some people may also be allergic to eating figs, so ask your doctor once before eating it.
  6. Eating more figs can increase weight loss.
Fig is a precious gift of nature, which will be beneficial only if it is consumed in moderation regularly. Of course, you must have read or heard about figs many times before, but we hope that the information given in this article along with the facts will definitely work for you. If you use figs in the ways described here, you may benefit. Figs have both advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before consuming figs, please ask your doctor once and also know how you should consume it. Do not forget to share your experiences with us in the comment box below.

Thursday 12 March 2020

Oat Milk - A substitute for cow's milk made from oats that can be used in cooking or as a beverage.

Oat Milk

Have you heard of oat milk? Many people are currently away from dairy products, and are replacing them with vegetables. Oat milk is becoming increasingly popular after coconut milk, soy milk and almond milk. It is plant based rather than dairy based. Due to its yummy taste, it is becoming quite popular among teenagers and youngsters. Every person who hears its name for the first time wants to know whether it is oat milk?
oats field

Oat milk is good for those who are allergic to lactose. With this you can drink it mixed with coffee or chocolate. Also you can use it by adding cream, sauce, smoothies and pastries. You can take it made from the market some brands also sell it with vanilla or chocolate flavor.

How to prepare oat milk at home?

Oat milk 
Oat milk is prepared by soaking and blending in water. Then filter it in fine cloth or sieve. Fabric remains a better option. However, oat milk found in the market is fortified with additional nutrients like calcium, potassium, iron, vitamin-A and vitamin-D because oat milk does not have the same. nutrients as oats.

How beneficial is oat milk?

Experts say that this milk may be a better option for those who do not use dairy products. Also, people who follow restricted diet or want fat free diet can also use it. Because it does not have lactose like dairy milk as well as does not contain fat.
Benefits of oat milk

If you are buying oat milk from the market, then first read the level well because it may contain sugar to enhance its taste. Oat milk contains 15 percent oats. Also it is gluten free. In such a situation, its use for a long time can be harmful to your small intestine.

Benefits of oats milk

Oats milk have high amounts of protein, minerals, vitamins and fibrous substances in milk, which reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. Not only this, because of its high fiber content, it is also easy to digest.

1. It cleans the body

use of oat milk
 Drinking this cleanses your stomach. It has many healthy properties which helps in correcting stomach cramps and keeps your stomach clean. It is helpful in relieving constipation, relieving stomach upset problem.

2. Stop aging

 It contains antioxidants that protect the body from external harmful effects. Due to which many diseases occur and the body starts getting older with age.

3. Reduce Inflammation

Due to the fiber found in oats, our intestines and rectum remain strong and they benefit greatly. Therefore, one should drink empty stomach oat milk in the morning.

4. Regulates blood sugar

Drinking oat milk for breakfast every day keeps your blood pressure fine and along with it, if you have diabetes, it is also under control. So that's why you must drink oat milk in these diseases.

5. It reduces bad cholesterol

Bad Cholesterol Level
Omega 3 and 6 are found unsaturated in oat milk. Leading to lowering of  bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides. With this, if your cholesterol remains under control, then you will not have the problem of heart disease.

6. It cures indigestion

Oat milk also provides great benefits in stomach related diseases. It is helpful in relieving constipation, relieving stomach upset problem.

7. Keep the nervous system well

 It contains a lot of fiber and magnesium which increases the amount of serotonin in our brain. It keeps the mind calm and your mood also good. It contains anti-oxidants and vitamins that help in fighting stress.

8. Maintain muscles and bones healthy

Protein is found in oat milk which helps in keeping the muscles strong. If you feel pain after exercising, then it also gives relief.

9. Help in weight loss

If you want to lose weight, it is best for weight loss due to its low fat and low calorie content and high fiber content.
Buy oat milk online:-

Monday 9 March 2020

Mushroom Coffee - Twist in Nicotine Addiction

Mushroom Coffee

Most people in the world drink coffee to reduce stress and to refresh themselves. But many times people get bored with the same taste of coffee. After which people sometimes drink black tea and sometimes coffee without sugar. Anyway, drinking too much of coffee causes harm to health.

If you want to give up caffeine and get yourself fully active then you should also try mushroom coffee. It is more beneficial than daily used coffee and works to improve your digestive system. It  has no side effects and it also completely refreshes you. You will be surprised to know that the way you become active after consuming mango coffee, in the same way you will feel active after consuming mushroom coffee.

Mushroom is used for Chinese medicines, but mushroom coffee has recently been prepared. In fact, mushroom coffee has no mushroom taste at all. Mushroom coffee also does not have the taste of mushroom because it is prepared from mushroom powder.

What is Mushroom Coffee?

If talking about mushroom coffee, then you need to read carefully. Coffee aficionados, which are the same types of coffee, have been added to the new caffeine fad, which is being called mushroom coffee.

Benefits of drinking mushroom coffee

1. Increases energy level

The quantity of caffeine in mushroom coffee is less than that of common coffee, but even after that, mushroom coffee works to give you energy. It helps to keep you active and also works to remove your tiredness. Consuming it does not cause any harm.

2. Reduce weight

If you want to lose weight, then you should not only use things from here and there and only consume mushroom coffee. Mushroom coffee can prove to be very beneficial for losing weight. There is absolutely no amount of fat and cholesterol in it.

3. Keeps your bones strong

Mushrooms contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals which contain selenium, potassium, calcium. All these elements help you to keep your bones strong. Apart from this, mushroom coffee can also provide relief in your joint pain.

4. Maintains digestion

The ingredients present in Matsuotek Mushrooms work to improve your digestive system.

5. Makes blood sugar balanced

Mushrooms are believed to have anti-inflammatory properties due to which it balances the amount of blood sugar in the body and boosts metabolism. Anyway, due to excessive consumption of coffee, people used to complain that people's metabolism slowed down and people's stomach was not well.

Mushroom coffee can be a great option for those who want to distance themselves from common coffee. But you must have kept in mind that whenever you start consuming mushroom coffee, it will be much better if you contact Dr. before this. Pregnant women should not consume mushroom coffee.

For related products click on link:-

Sunday 8 March 2020

Red Light Therapy - A trending Phototherapy

Red Light and Blue Light Therapy

People are doing all the experiments on their faces in the race to look attractive. From Botox to other therapies, while the face is being protected from the effects of increasing age, further advanced experiments in this field are also being appreciated. Under its influence, people of every age group are coming. These days the treatment of red light and blue light is bringing new revolution. These treatments given through light are reducing the skin's pimples and skin aging problems. People are appreciating this treatment very much.

Red Light Therapy

What is red and blue light treatment?

In blue light and red light treatments, light with shorter wavelength is penetrated on the skin. While blue light is meant to heal acne and pimples and reduce its effects, red light is used to remove facial wrinkles and give a new aura to the face. Currently, this treatment, which is done only at select clinics, relieves the facial muscles. This increases blood circulation and escalating facial aura. This treatment also relieves many skin problems. This technique affects the accumulation of collagen protein on the skin of the face. This increases shine on the face. These beauty therapies are being done to make facial skin beautiful. Protein formation is promoted by removing stress from the facial skin. In this process blood circulation is smooth. This causes facial muscles to relax. Facial skin impurities get rid of. In the big cities, there is a craze among the people about this process.

 It is attracting people by being completely safe. It has the ability to remove impurities from the facial skin and give a new glow. This therapy is very easy and the demand is increasing due to its positive results.

How It Works?

Skin is morphological and passes through Physical changes with increasing age of person. These changes may be due to internal and External factors that contribute to cellular aging and resulting in skin aging. The term photo aging is used to characterization of skin aging caused by solar radiation. Clinically, the skin becomes tendered, thick and hyper pigmented while having an initial appearance of wrinkles and other skin changes, such as skin cancer. Nowadays, there are many treatments for aging skin, and one of them is with the use of phototherapy, which Uses light emitting diodes (LEDs).

Red and blue light is supposed to work by generating biochemical effects in cells that strengthen mitochondria. The mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell - this is where the energy of the cell is produced. The energy molecule found in the cells of all living things is called ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

By increasing the function of mitochondria using RLT and BLT, a cell can make more ATP. With increased energy, cells can work more efficiently and effectively, rejuvenate themselves and repair damage.

RLT and BLT differs from laser or intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments because it does not damage the skin surface. Laser and pulsed light therapy work by controlling damage to the outer layer of skin, which then induces tissue repair. RLT and BLT reduces this drastic step by directly stimulating skin regeneration. The light emitted by the RLT and BLT penetrates about five millimeters below the surface of the skin.
Before and After Phototherapy

Is there any Side effects?

Red light therapy is considered safe and pain less. However, there have been reports of burns and blisters from using RLT units. Some developed burns after sleeping with space in the unit, while others experienced burns due to broken wires or device corrosion.

There is also a potential risk of damage to the eyes. Although safer on the eye than traditional lasers, proper eye protection may be necessary when undergoing red light therapy.
To know about Gadgets for Photo therapy Click on the link below:

Wednesday 4 March 2020

Turmeric or Curcumin - How to use and benifits


Turmeric is a very common spice, it is called the queen of spices. It has a different identity, its fragrance is      aroma, strong taste and golden color. In India, it is mainly used at home, without it, it is impossible to imagine Indian food. Turmeric contains antibacterial, antifungal elements. In addition, it contains protein, fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc. Apart from the taste of turmeric, it is also very good for health. Turmeric cures many diseases and problems. Curcumin found in turmeric is a highly beneficial compound that provides relief in neurodegenerative diseases and diabetes. This compound is found in high amounts in raw turmeric. This compound is decomposed during processing in turmeric powder.

Nutrient Amount

1. Calorie 24
2. Fat 1%
3. Sodium 3mg
4. Carbohydrate 1%
5. Fiber 6%
6. Vitamin C 3%
7. Calcium 1%
8. Iron 16%
Properties and Uses of Turmeric

Stop the Cancer Disease - Cancer is a disease in which some cells of the body start working against our body. Consuming turmeric destroys cancer-causing cells, and turmeric prevents them from growing. Eating turmeric on an empty stomach removes all the toxic substances inside the body and reduces the chance of cancer.

Relax in arthritis - Turmeric has antioxidant properties that destroy free radicals in the body that affect other cells of the body. Eating turmeric daily provides a lot of relief in arthritis pain.

Reduce cholesterol - Eating turmeric reduces cholesterol levels to a great extent. We all know that if cholesterol increases in the body, many other diseases also fall behind. We can avoid it with turmeric.

Increase immunity - Antibacteria, antifungal elements present in turmeric increase immunity in the body. It keeps us from cold and cold flu. For this, you should drink milk with turmeric. Doctors also consider it very beneficial. Drink one spoon of turmeric in 1 glass of warm milk. On cold days it should be drunk every night before going to bed. This will cause cold in the body as well as give relief from minor pain.

Diabetes - Turmeric is beneficial for people with diabetes. This keeps the amount of glucose in the body under control. There is also a capsules of turmeric which should be taken as per the advice of the doctor.

Eradicate Wounds - Turmeric has been used as an antiseptic for many years, applying turmeric on the sliced ​​anywhere stops blood, and that wound heals quickly. Turmeric also removes skin infections.

Control weight - Turmeric is very powerful to reduce weight. The elements present in turmeric reduce fat in the body. Those wanting to lose weight should include 1 teaspoon of turmeric in their food.

Correct digestion - eating turmeric does not cause any problem in the digestive system, it also removes the problem of gas acidity. If someone has any problem with gallbladder, he should not consume turmeric at all.

Beneficial for liver - Blood purified by eating turmeric, it removes all the toxic substances from the stomach.

Enhance beauty - We have been listening and using turmeric powder since childhood. Turmeric is very beneficial from the point of view of beauty, by applying it the stains are removed and the face blossoms. This is the reason why turmeric has a different ceremony at the time of marriage, in which turmeric is applied to the bride and groom so that their face will shine. Turmeric is also considered to be very auspicious, it is used in every auspicious work, marriage, marriage rituals. Applying turmeric mixed with gram flour and milk provides great benefit.

Remove unwanted hair from the body - The unwanted hair in the body is like a stain in the moon, which every girl considers an enemy of their beauty, turmeric will help you to overcome this problem. Mix coconut oil in turmeric and heat it, now apply it where there is unwanted hair. You will definitely understand the difference in a few days.

Remove Tanning - We can remove sun tanning with turmeric. Apply turmeric mixed with milk, the tanning will disappear and the skin will improve.

Relieve toothache - Turmeric is beneficial to cure toothache. Mix mustard oil and salt in turmeric and apply it on the painful area. You will get rest soon.

Benefits of turmeric in yoga practice - Whatever is taken from this earth, including your body, there is an inertia in everything. So it is important that you have so much awareness that you can keep this level of inertia to a minimum. To measure whether your practice is working or not, we look at how much you sleep and how alert you are. From both these things, we actually see how much inertia you are creating within yourself. If your body stops entering a certain level of energy in your inner cells, then the inertia in the body increases. A mixture of neem and turmeric spreads the cellular structure of the body in such a way that it can fill energy in every crack and hole. Neem and turmeric help physically in this work, while cultivation does the same work subtly.

Ways to use - There are many ways to take turmeric, you can mix it in food, in salads, shake, soup and in capsule form. Turmeric gives us a lot of benefits, For external cleaning, add a pinch of turmeric to your bath water and take a bath with this water. You will find that your body will start to glow.

Side effects of turmeric-
It is also important for you to know the disadvantages of turmeric, that is, because if you consume anything more than necessary or for a long time, it can cause harm. Also, it is advisable not to eat turmeric under certain medical conditions.
  • If you have kidney stone problem, do not consume turmeric milk. This can aggravate your problem, because turmeric contains two percent oxalate.
  • It is difficult to say clearly whether pregnant and lactating women should consume turmeric or not. Therefore, you must consult your doctor once before consuming it.
  • Patients who suffer from jaundice should not consume it.
  • Turmeric effect is hot, so excessive consumption can cause stomach heat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Excess intake of turmeric can cause iron deficiency in the body, which increases the risk of anemia.
  • Turmeric can slow down blood clots, leading to increased bleeding problems.
  • Turmeric can counterbalance testosterone levels, which can lead to decreased sperm count.
  • If someone is undergoing chemotherapy, he should not take turmeric too.
Thus turmeric has both advantages and disadvantages depend on the condition.