Thursday 2 April 2020

Coronavirus and diet:

A strong immune system can protect you from any virus infection. Below you are told about the doctor's recommended foods, which can protect you from corona virus infection by strengthening immunity.

The corona virus is spreading its legs very fast. In such a situation, you should take all necessary measures to avoid its infection. These measures are also related to cleanliness and eating habits. In particular, include foods that enhance your immunity. In fact a strong immune system can help protect you from corona virus infection.

To avoid infection with the corona virus, it is recommended to include certain foods in the diet. These foods are rich in anti-viral and immune boosters, which can protect against corona virus infection.

Take foods rich in vitamin D

Consumption of vitamin D can strengthen your immunity, which will reduce the risk of corona virus infection manifold. The main source of vitamin D is considered to be the sun. You get vitamin D supply from the sun only after sunrise. For vitamin D, you can include salmon fish and milk in your diet. Apart from this, you can also consume vitamin D through fortified foods (foods which contain vitamins separately). However many other research on this is still going on.

Use liquorice

Disease resistance can also be strengthened by the consumption of liquorice. Apart from this, the anti-viral properties present in it can help protect you from any type of viral infection. Corona virus infection is also similar to viral infection. Therefore, you can strengthen your immunity by consuming liquorice and avoid getting infected with the corona virus.

Cinnamon will also be beneficial

You can also use cinnamon to protect against the corona virus by strengthening the immune system, as cinnamon has immune regulatory properties. Apart from this, the anti-viral properties present in it can also help protect you from colds and colds. You should use it as a spice while cooking, so that all the properties present in it are easily accessible in your body through food.

Use mushrooms in diet chart

Be sure to include mushrooms in your diet chart to avoid the corona virus. According to experts, shitek mushrooms are packed with beta-glucose. This property has antiviral and immune enhancing properties. For this reason, your immunity will get a boost, as well as it will help you to avoid corona virus and other infections.

Do not consume alcohol

To avoid corona virus, the doctor has also advised that alcohol consumption should be avoided. Actually, the intake of alcohol affects the body's immunity. In such cases, do not consume alcohol to avoid infection.

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